
Hearts of iron 4 how many civilian factories
Hearts of iron 4 how many civilian factories

hearts of iron 4 how many civilian factories hearts of iron 4 how many civilian factories

Unlike the broad open-ended stories that are available to you in Crusader Kings II or Europa Universalis IV, Hearts of Iron is a ruthlessly focused game.

  • Pillbox Defenses - A cheaper variant of a fort, limited to one building per province.Hearts of Iron IV is one of Paradox Development Studio’s most popular titles, but also a bit of an outsider.
  • Can be really helpful for Barbarossa or France occupation.
  • Police Station - decreases the resistance in the state that it is built in and in all the neighboring states.
  • Supply Depot - increases the supply in a state that it is built in and in all the neighboring states.
  • Hospital - The military hospital is a state level building that decreases the attrition in the state that it is built in and in all the neighboring states.
  • Processed Mineral/Oil storage - part of the Resources Stockpile feature, these building expand national resource stockpile storage capacity for its specific resource (Steel, Tungsten Chromium, and Aluminum Oil, and Rubber).
  • With aim to make industry feel more interesting and historical, to allow for example the big synthetic rubber industry in USA to be built up.
  • Split synthetic refineries into Oil and Rubber variants, and added Steel mills which produce steel.
  • Shipyards and Submarine yards - lower the build cost of the associated naval units.
  • Light and Heavy aircraft factories - lower the build cost of the associated air units.
  • Small arms, Artillery, Vehicle and Tank factory - lower the build cost of the associated equipment.
  • As your soldiers get more and better uniforms, weather and terrain have less of an effect on them.
  • Uniform factories - Reduces attrition in your armies.
  • Ammunition factories - Improve your land, naval and air forces to be more effective as they can use more ammunition to both attack and defend.
  • After researching and building special factories, you will get a cost reduction bonus based on how many factories of that type you have built. These buildings are built on a state level, and require research into workshop improvements. Specialized factories can be built to lower the build cost of the associated equipment nation wide, allowing to specialize your country production. Constructions are fixed assets that may be built in states or provinces that are constructed using civilian factories

    Hearts of iron 4 how many civilian factories